Sunday, May 1, 2011

Scorpion Attack

Yep, that's right.
I was stung by a scorpion...
5 times.

But really though.
It was thee worst pain I have ever felt in my LIFE.
No joke.

Soo here's how it went down...

Friday night I was simply just laying on the floor of my basement, watching One Tree Hill on my lappy top, and I fell asleep.

A few hours later, around 4 am, I woke up to sharp pains in my chest and shoulders.
It didn't go away and it kept getting worse.

I have never been stung by a scorpion, but I have a HUGE phobia of them, so my first thought was: scorpion.

So I went into my bathroom, changed my shirt, and found 4 little pink dot things on my back, and 1 one my ribcage.

I was in so much pain at this point, so I ran into my parents room in hysterics to tell them I think I just got stung.

I showed them the little dot things and my mom called the poison control.

All they said was to treat them like puncture wounds, shower, and that the first 6 hours are the worst.

Boyyy was that an understatement.

That 6 hours of pain and screaming was living H-E-double hockey sticks.

I felt the poison go through by body throughout the whole day.
I think one of the worst parts was my eyes.
They were going CRAZY.

I seriously felt like I was transforming into a vampire, except for I didn't have a sexy vampire to suck the venom out :(

But yeah, that's basically how I felt.

By the end of the day, I was feeling a lot better and only my face, hands, and feet were tingly.

It sucked x 1000000, but I'm just extremely glad it was me and not my little sibs.

My daddy got me Chipotle.
And you can kiinda see how my face was all swollen and pink on my cheeks, nose, eyes, and forehead.

The only good part was, I got to sleep in my parents bed allll day :)

xoxo, J-nelly