Friday, August 12, 2011

The Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Monday, I got my wisdom teeth removed.

Ohh the fun that was.

Luckily, I have a wonderful BFF named Misty who came with me and my mom and video taped me all looped up and took care of me.

Best caregiver EVER.

I apparently was super emotional and would be super happy and giggly one minute,
and the next, I would break down in tears.

The worst part was deff the IV.

I cried before it, during it, and after it just thinking about it.

I am a trypanophobic, which means I have a needle phobia.

After things got a little clearer for me,
I looked at my photo booth on my computer to find some super cute pics I took when I was high.

There was a bunch of me touching me numb bottom lip and the place where my IV was.

I did, however, enjoy the company that brought me some yummy goody goods and just hung out with me :)

My little bro thought I was pretty darn funny.

Click here for a little taste of what I was like after my surgery.

xoxo, J-nelly


Bianca said...

Sounds like you got an awesome BFF! Be sure to come with her whenever she has to get her wisdom teeth taken out! Well, anyway, take it easy and rest. It feels kind of hazy after the sedation and getting your teeth out, and it feels uncomfortable for a few days after the procedure. Don't stress your mouth out with chewing and it'll be fine!

-Bianca Jackson

Kevin Durant said...

Wow, it sounds like you had quite an experience with your wisdom teeth extraction! I'm glad you had your BFF and mom there to support you and document the experience. It's great that you had some lighthearted moments during the procedure, despite the fear and discomfort you felt with the IV. I hope you are feeling better now and have a quick and smooth recovery. Having a strong support system can make a big difference during times like these. Keep us updated on your progress!

-Kevin Durant